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cggdgt : Metin2 Features Introduct

Metin2 is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), which is filled with great features including guild battles quests, and wars between

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Teremtés: 27/04/2010 07:09
Frissítés: 27/04/2010 07:09
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cggdgt :: Metin2 Features Introduct

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Cikk: Metin2 Features Introduction - 27/04/2010 07:09

Metin2 Features Introduction

Metin2 is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), which is filled with great features including guild battles quests, and wars between nations. If you have no time to earn the cheapest Metin2 gold,you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. We will try our best to help you. Metin2 players from all over the globe will be able to play at no cost! There is no monthly subscription fee or time limit. The client program can be downloaded for free from our website. This does not mean something that is going to change; free massive multiplayer games forever.

Dynamic Battle System: With a completely revamped battle system, the combat style defines an art of it's own. The action is furious and fast as your character swings their weapons and cleaves into all enemies within the weapon's reach. This allows you to fight many creatures at once. Also, any enemy that comes within the range of your attack will be influenced by the blows you deliver. There are four classes of characters, eight major skills, and thousands of weapons and armor to be used. Each character has unique combat styles that include crushing, slicing, powerful knockback attacks and finishing moves. Metin2 has captured the speed and fiercness of real world fighting in an epic fantasy.